1 Kasım 2007 Perşembe

Poland Project Meeting

Our second year’s second meeting was held on 21-27 May 2007 in Kuznia Raciborska in Poland.In this meeting Turkish team (1 teacher and 3 students), Italian team(3 teachers), Romanian team (3 teachers) participated.
During this meeting, we evaluated our second year, and also we evaluated our last Project activities.Next, we have started to prepare our final report.
Our students stayed with the Polish families and they attented the classes with their friends. In Polish lesson, they taught Turish words to their friends and also in music lesson, they taught Turkish music to their friends.During the meeting all the delegations visited partner school and met the students. The Polish culture and education system were introduced successfully by the polish teachers and we shared our knowledge and experience altogether.

Italy Project Meeting

Our second year’s first meeting was held on 05-12 November 2006 in Cicciano in Italy.This meeting was very important because it was the first time that all the partners and the students joined the meeting. In this meeting Turkish team (3 teachers and 1 students),Polish team(3 teachers and 4 studens) and Romanian team(2 teachers) participated . During the meeting all the delegations visited partner school and met the students.The meeting offered the delegations a real motivation to improve their learning of modern languages. Also, during the meeting , we evaluated our first year activities.We worked on our renewal application form, we all decided our next activities ,we exchanged our experiences and we worked out the activity schedule for the whole year in this meeting. Also, It is worth mentioning that the students ,coming from Turkey and Poland for the project meeting ,stayed with the families in Cicciano and they would give their fellow students a first hand version of the experiences lived during the meetings. The students stayed in the homes of their partners in the other countries and they were present in most of the activities organised. it was very effective to know each other’s cultures and each other’s traditions.The students had a new friends and had a new family in Cicciano. it was unforgettable experience for them.

Elazığ-Türkiye Project Meeting

Our second meeting was held on 26 April-02 May 2006 in Elazig in Turkey. Romanian teachers (Rodica Miala, Victoria SOARE,Cristina DUTA ) and Polish teachers (Maria CIESLIK Gabriela BITOMSKA,Kinga APOLLO) joined the meeting. It was an important occasion in order to exchange information about educational systems , local traditions and dances , famous historical places. The participants visited our school, attented the classes, we celebrated Spring Day altogether.Our students prepared an english play and the performed it.Our students and the teachers from partners schools sang traditional and english songs altogether.During the meeting, we checked our first year activities, we disscused our Project activities and we prepared our final report.We introduced our culture, our history and our education system to the partners.

Romania Project Meeting

Our project’s first meeting was held on 01-07 November 2005 in Craiova in Romania. Polish and Italian partners could not join the meeting.The teachers from Turkey(Mehmet KARACA,Hayri UĞUR and Canan DİLMAN) joined the meeting. The students welcomed us with traditional bread and salt.It was very interesting. We visited the partner school,met the teachers and students. The students performed traditional Romanian dances, they sang the traditional Romanian songs.We decided to our other next activities, we exchanged our experiences and we worked out the activity schedule for the whole year in this meeting.We shared the brochures, power point presentations of the partner school, partner countries.During the meeting, our school and our country were represented successfully.

31 Ekim 2007 Çarşamba

Aims of our project

The main purpose behind our efforts is to increase acceptance and respect among and within cultural values, there by paving the way for world peace in Europe.Working together, different nationalities, minority, gipsy, students less or more gifted will get the same opportunity, being tolerant as more as possible.The most important of all is the teachers' willingness to help the students get adapted to their new conditions in life, maintaining at the same time, their own special cultural identity.They will combat against racism and xenophobia by their own example, learning from echo other, getting examples in a good practice.
Through this project we would like to:
- broaden pupils’ and teachers’ knowledge of other European countries
- learn about students’ language and variety of culture, traditions, festivals, the way they are learning, living, dancing, singing, working .
-promote equal opportunities for each pupil in all social and ethnical category
-develop European dimension of education in our school;
-promote the study of foreign languages;
-find the traditional culture and religion of our partners;
-know our partners problems and how they solve their problems;
-develop the changes of information;involve our pupils in the battle against racism, xenophobes and social discrimination;
-give equal chances for boys and girls and for the pupils who have special needs;
-understand and follow the words: “tolerance”, “respect” and European democracy spirit;
-know what is the place of young people in creating peace and security climate in Europe.
-to help students of parents immigrants, gipsy, get adapted to their new conditions in life,
For students to increase their competence in using modern language and technology,
For teachers to exchange their experience in methods of integration in the context of intercultural education.
For institution a special opportunity towards a new concept of intercultural education opening a new European dimension
For community to live and work in a global community as equal.

Our Comenius 1.1 School Partnership Project

Our project’s title is “Towards a New Intercultural Education”.We have partners from Turkey, (as a coordinator,Ismet Pasa Ilkogretim Okulu,Elazığ), Poland (Szkola Podstawowa im. J. Wawrzynka, Kuznia Raciborska), Romania (SCOALA GENERALA CU CLASELE I-VIII, SALCUTA ) and Italy (1° Circolo Didattico “ G.Bovio” ,Cicciano (NA)).
’Towards a New Intercultural Education’’- will promote a better understanding of the concept in countries involved, learning about people’s languages and variety of cultures which are equal in value and offer a variety of perspectives and approaches to live and work in a global community. The schools involved want to exchange their experience in working with students with risk of exclusion, to combat any kind if rasism and xenofobia .
The main purpose behind our efforts is to increase acceptance and respect among and within cultural , there by paving the way for world peace. We’ll exchange our experience in helping pupils with special educational needs to participate equally and actively to the project in the respect of intercultural education in the new European dimension.This project gives us an opportunity to know each other's countries, cultures and education systems.

The Mission of Our School

The school’s aims are to teach students, to educate students , to broaden their knowledges, to educate them how to being self-confident, to improve their skills according to the needs of 21th Century.
-It should be accepted that learning is an essential need in school.
-The parents should know that the opportunities for learning are given to the students in school.
-The students and the learners should believe in the importance of helping to each other’s learning.
-The staff should be self-confident by doing their works in school.
- Everyone should work in order to reach the best.

The main purpose is to educate a TURKISH YOUTH who can catch up with the age,who knows their rights, who respect the others’ rights,who are capable,who are full of the values of material and spiritual, who have freedom in thought,idea,belief,who are dependent on Atatürk’s Principles and Revolutions.

The History of Our School

It is said that there were buildings belonged to Hacı Kerim Efendi in the place of our school.These buildings were used as a courthouse during I.World War and they became a fielt shop in 1917.The buildings were used as a hospital ,called National hospital, between 1920 and 1921. These buildings were granted of a gift to Private Administrative Office by Hacı Kerim Efendi.After this date, This building was used as a high school, as a boarding school between 1925-1927, as a primary school-called Fourth Primary School-between 1927-1931, as a Sixth Primary School between 1931-25.02.1942.After this date it was called Inönü Primary School.Later, It was called Mehmet Zeki Primary School in 13.06.1952.This name continued till 1974.This name changed as Ismet Pasa Primary School in 1974.After being passed the Education law in 1997-1998,This school called Ismet Pasa Primary and Secondary School.
The first principal of the school was Şükrü KAZAGÖZ during 1927-1928.Later the principals were in the respect of Muzaffer KILIÇ(20.01.1997),Kazım Alp ALKAN (28.03.2005).Hayri UĞUR is the last principal of this school.He has been a principal since 15.06.2006.
There is a vice- principal and 3 assistants to principal,there are 36 primary school teachers and 32 teachers such as Mathematic teacher,Turkish teacher,Science teacher,English teacher,etc., 2 staff and 8 person who work as a cleaner in our school.There are 32 classes, and a science laboratory, a workshop , and 2 kindergardens,2 classes for students with special educational needs,a room for Information-Communication Technology, a computer laboratory.There are about 1800 students in our school.There is an installation of electricity, plumbing and central heating.Our school still belongs to Private Administrative Office and its total land is 4907 m2.Its usage land is 672 m2.
Our school is in the central of Elazığ and it is located in Hürriyet street.Our students are coming from the neighborhoods of Icadiye,Çarşı,RüstempaşaMustafa Paşa and the streets of Kışla Çıkmaz,Serçe,Kartal and the South of Hacı Hayri street.

Our school has an old history(a magnificient background) and it has graduates those who have important positions such as professors, associate professors,doctors,teachers,engineers etc.Behçet SUSMAZ,who was a mayor of Elazığ for two times,graduated from our school.