31 Ekim 2007 Çarşamba

Our Comenius 1.1 School Partnership Project

Our project’s title is “Towards a New Intercultural Education”.We have partners from Turkey, (as a coordinator,Ismet Pasa Ilkogretim Okulu,Elazığ), Poland (Szkola Podstawowa im. J. Wawrzynka, Kuznia Raciborska), Romania (SCOALA GENERALA CU CLASELE I-VIII, SALCUTA ) and Italy (1° Circolo Didattico “ G.Bovio” ,Cicciano (NA)).
’Towards a New Intercultural Education’’- will promote a better understanding of the concept in countries involved, learning about people’s languages and variety of cultures which are equal in value and offer a variety of perspectives and approaches to live and work in a global community. The schools involved want to exchange their experience in working with students with risk of exclusion, to combat any kind if rasism and xenofobia .
The main purpose behind our efforts is to increase acceptance and respect among and within cultural , there by paving the way for world peace. We’ll exchange our experience in helping pupils with special educational needs to participate equally and actively to the project in the respect of intercultural education in the new European dimension.This project gives us an opportunity to know each other's countries, cultures and education systems.

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